

Applying working memory in UX design with Airbnb

Have you ever called your bank, internet, or mobile phone service provider and have to listen to all their auto-response choices in order to figure out the right one for your next step? By the time you listened to your 5th choice, you have forgotten other prior choices. Then you have to dial them again listening to all the choices from the start..

May 02, 2020


Preparing for open up after COVID for restaurant and cafe

During the closedown, many businesses have to bear expenses without having the same circulation. Good news that we are opening-up soon in phrases. Here are some tips for restaurants and cafes to provide a better customer experience using your services.

May 31, 2020


Once in a lifetime: Quarantine life diary during COVID-19

My quarantine life started around the end of the winter quarter. I was busy finishing up my finals project and presentation. I didn’t feel any fear or anxiety at the time as it was only just the beginning and I have not yet anticipated the consequences.

June 04, 2020